Dear Vermont Senators & Representatives:
For too long, Vermont’s transit system has been operating without the adequate and sustainable dedicated funding it needs to meet the needs of commuters, visitors, and local residents - threatening their ability to get to places of employment, medical appointments, drug counseling services, childcare or food shopping.
We must align the state’s transportation dollars with the needs of Vermonters. Out of the $870 million transportation budget, we invest roughly 6% in public transit. Due to increasing costs and changes in transportation funding, Vermonters are already experiencing cuts to transit services.
Transit investments have wide-ranging impacts on Vermont’s economy, environment, and quality of life:
Workforce and Economy | Transit is crucial for employers, especially in key industries struggling with recruiting. Cuts to transit services undermine employee reliability and local businesses.
Affordability | Transportation is typically the second-highest household expense. The lack of accessible transit makes it difficult for many to achieve their household needs.
Accessibility | Older adults who no longer drive, young adults without a license, and others with no or limited car access due to disability, income, or choice, rely on transit to get to where they need to go.
Environment | Transit is increasingly important to reducing climate pollution by giving people alternatives to single occupancy vehicles to get where they need to go.
Smart Growth | Transit promotes the state’s goals of compact, mixed-use development and strong local economies.
Public transit is a smart investment for Vermont, as state dollars leverage significant federal funds. Reduced state funding risks a negative cycle in which service cuts jeopardize federal funding and result in more complex and expensive alternatives.
We urge Vermont leaders to transition Vermont’s Transportation Fund to better reflect Vermonters' needs and commit to stabilizing public transit in the near term by identifying dedicated funding for a robust transit system in Vermont. We must act boldly to develop a modern transit system that provides better health outcomes, accessible labor supply for employers, reduced social isolation, and lower transportation cost burdens.