Since 2017, we have been the leading voice for a sustainable and equitable transportation system for Vermont.
Transportation for Vermonters (T4VT) is a diverse coalition of individuals, organizations, businesses and institutions committed to working together, creatively, and across sectors to achieve a sustainable, accessible transportation system in a rural state.
A sustainable transportation system that empowers individual mobility and fosters resilient communities.
T4VT advocates for a well-funded, accessible, and equitable transportation system for the good of Vermonters, our communities, and our climate.
For nearly two decades, Vermont’s people, state agencies, transit providers, advocates, and others have made great strides to address sustainable mobility issues in the state. Successes have included increased transit, more sidewalks and bike facilities, investments in compact land use patterns, alternatively fueled vehicles, and policies that acknowledge the multiple benefits a transportation system can provide.
However, too many Vermonters still lack affordable, convenient, reliable transportation to schools, jobs, healthcare, and other services. Such access is essential for people’s quality of life (at every stage of life), economic opportunity, and health, as well as the state’s economy as a whole.
The time is right for Vermont organizations and leaders to work together to advance policies, plans and programs that expand mobility choices for all Vermonters, improving health, safety and quality of life, reducing environmental impacts, preventing sprawl, and strengthening the state’s economy.
What we believe:
A robust and efficient statewide system for sustainable mobility benefits all Vermonters, our environment, and our economy.
We are working toward an efficient state system to meet multiple goals that a high quality rural transportation system can provide:
Health and well-being
Access and economic opportunity
Community vitality
Clean air and water
Greenhouse gas reductions
A comprehensive and coordinated approach to transportation demand management, land use planning and development, and advancing cleaner vehicles is needed to achieve a robust and efficient statewide system for sustainable mobility.
This approach will:
Include a range of Vermonters in development of solutions
Foster connected, compact communities within town centers rather than rural settings
Promote integrated policy making
Investments in a robust and efficient statewide system for sustainable mobility should address a range of state goals, account for societal costs and benefits borne by Vermonters, and ensure efficient use of public funds to meet outcomes.
Achieving this will require:
Developing and aligning performance measures
Evaluating and monitoring investments
Building upon successes
AARP VT • CarShare Vermont • Chittenden Area Transportation Management Association • Green Mountain Transit • Local Motion •
Old Spokes Home • Renewable Energy Vermont • Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility • Vermont Chapter of the Sierra Club •
Vermont Clean Communities • Vermont Center for Independent Living • Vermont Energy Education Program •
Vermont Energy Investment Corporation • Vermont Natural Resources Council • Vermont Public Interest Research Group • Vital Communities