People, Places & Transportation
Toward A Greener, Healthier Transportation System
Welcome to People, Places & Transportation, a monthly blog about how to shape a cleaner, greener, more accessible, and more sustainable transportation future in Vermont.
This blog originated with Sustainable Transportation Vermont, and lives on as a joint initiative of VNRC and T4VT. Stay awhile!
Walkability & The Curb Cut Effect
Our communities will need to choose: will we support walkability investments that ensure accessibility and mobility for all community members, or will we continue to leave our most vulnerable populations behind?
Day in the Life of a Legislative Intern
I hop on the bus back to Burlington from the Montpelier Transit Center. After a long day I make a habit of reading on the way back home. This month I’ve been reading The Hobbit; Bilbo Baggins sure loves to make far treks by foot.
She Moved to Vermont for Fare-Free Transit
Finding out that there were beautiful cities where I wouldn't need a transit pass blew my mind. Then some friends who live in Burlington reached out to me and told me about ALL THE WATER in Lake Champlain and the fun to be had in the Green Mountains and high peaks of the Adirondacks. When I saw that Burlington made their transit system fare-free for the pandemic, I was sold.
How a Tiny Roadside Village is Reclaiming Its Streets
Truth is, without the stores and school that once were in the village center, there was little reason for folks to walk around the neighborhood except to visit the post office. That is until the old Gihon Valley Hall needed a new roof.
Capstone’s Solutions For Equitable Rural Transportation
Capstone added Climate Impact to the Weatherization department in recognition that people with the fewest financial resources will suffer the harshest consequences of global warming. So with this expanded vision, we looked to address another significant financial burden that families face: VT’s largest polluting sector, transportation—or lack thereof.